Ours consisted of (in this order): 1) Starting a new daycare and getting sick, 2) Meeting Santa and getting sick, and 3) GETTING SICK!
Let's begin:
1) We decided that with the twins beginning to be so mobile and active, and Jonathan so active and "curious" about everything in this house, the safest and most stimulating daycare option would be OUT of our house. We chose a great Montessori Center here in Olathe. SO, the twins will go Tues, Thurs, and Friday and Jonathan will go Thursday and Friday and still go to his Kids Day Out program on Tuesday. Also, this allows me some alone time. I was in the house for the first time alone on Tuesday in more than a YEAR!!!! Anyway, Caroline lasted ONE HOUR at daycare on Tuesday....ruptured eardrum...not going into the whole story. Thursday, my main goal was to come home and catch up on WAY overdue work reports...got called that both were hysterical with fevers around 2:30...SO far so good, right! Friday no call, so all good.
2) Saturday our home association had Santa come to our neighborhood school. Jonathan said he wanted to "hug Santa." When we walked in and saw Santa he stopped dead in his tracks and shut down, much like he did last year. I was able to coax him close and sit on his lap, but he would NOT make eye contact. Then the twins had a turn...(I can't download pics right now, stay tuned for those). Later, as Jonathan and his father were decorating a cookie, he decided telling Santa ALL the toys he wanted would be a good idea, so he spent about 15 minutes tell the poor old sole every kind of truck he wanted.
We went home and I got ROCKED by the stomach flu.
3) Caroline woke up with a lovely present for us to clean out of her crib, poor girl (as did Joe Wednesday night) and then she and Joe have continued to fill their diapers and NOT eat a thing. Thomas got sick Sunday night and called in sick today (Monday). The only one that has NOT prayed to the porcelain god, or crib, has been Jonathan. We are praying that he stays in the clear (literally) and we have a better week! Hope you do too!