Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lost tooth!

One down and many more to go!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

9 months and some Christmas cheer!

Today Hannah is 9 months old. I don't need to say how time flies, but it sure does! The twins also had their Christmas program at school. They both sang their hearts out! What a great way to kick off the Christmas vacation week!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is the one I wanted to post!

My girls!

Here are the girls! (this is a test post from my IPAD as I can't upload pictures to my Wordpress account from my phone OR android tablet - ugh!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Both my blogger and wordpress accounts are having issues uploading from my phone and tablet.  VERY frustrating since ALL my pictures are on my phone.  SO, I am hoping our home PC, which has been on the fritz as well, will allow me to download my pictures.  I just tried and wasn't  successful, but we'll see if the hubby can figure it out.  I'm not that good at figuring computer stuff out. 

We have been super busy.  Hannah is growing so fast in front of our eyes it is unbelievable!  She is the earliest crawler we have had.  Pulling up and almost cruising at 7 months...SCARY!  She already has 2 teeth!  Like I said, these milestones are happening way before the other three... that I can remember.  I seriously don't recall most of their milestones because it was such a busy, exhausting blur.  Thank goodness for this blog because I can refer back to what was going on back then.  The 'big kids' continue to be so good to her.  They love "helping" and playing with her.  We are looking forward to a mellow Thanksgiving and Christmas time. 

Best to all of you.  

Hopefully pictures soon! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last Post Here

Monday, June 11, 2012

Change is Good

So, we bought a new tablet to replace our PC.  We had an IPad for maybe 5 days and we hated it.  Because I am an Android user and lover, we went with the Transformer Prime Tablet.  Now, I attempted to upload blog pictures using the tablet and even tried the app, but it couldn't, or should I say, wouldn't upload pictures.  As a result, and hence the title of this post, I am switching to wordpress to blog.  Check it out!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Blog Name

And the winner is.....There's Always More With Four! So change your blog lists soon to

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blog Hiatus

So sad I haven't been able to blog lately.  Our computer is pretty much done.  We are on the hunt for a new way to keep me/us connected at home.  I'm still trying to come up with a new name for the blog but nothing is really "doing it for me."  I have a gazillion pictures of the kids and Hannah.  I'm hoping to start blogging more and be done with FB.  If those that know me want to see what's going on, I rather use my blog.  That being said, until we get a new device ( probably and IPad), we'll be seeing you.  We are going shopping today so hopefully I'll posting sooner than later!  Ta-ta!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome Hannah Elizabeth

Monday March 19, 2012 at 12:13 pm, Hannah Elizabeth Patnode entered the world with a very loud hello! She weighed 8.2 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. Her big brothers and sister are so proud. She is one extremely LOVED little girl. We are so happy to add her to our clan!

Monday, March 5, 2012


So we are just waiting for Baby 4 to make her arrival. Bed rest was ordered February 24th and then the flu hit this house like never before. I started the sneezing, fever and coughing, then Joe, then Daddy, then Jonathan and then, last but not least, Caroline. Hands down the worst week Thomas and I have experienced as parents. We are so thankful for those that brought us meals!

The kids are super excited to meet their baby sister. They have been talking about what jobs they will do to help with her and, for Joe, the funny faces he will make to make her laugh. Not sure how fun they will think she is at first but they will adjust.

Now, the blog name needs to change....and fast! I am out of ideas.... really don't know... ideas??? Hopefully by the time the baby comes I will have figured out how to download pictures from my new phone so I can share those!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Jonathan's first bubble...age 5! POP!

10 weeks to go...

And I'm moving really slow!!! Apologies for no new updates, but we have been super busy and I'm barely keeping up. Christmas was more than exciting in our house. The kids were so excited by EVERY present they got. Suprisingly, they were pretty content with their stocking gifts they were able to open first thing Christmas morning. We actually could have stopped there! BUT, between grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and SANTA, we didn't. Our children are MORE than fortunate, as we are too.

Grammie came to town for two and half weeks and her generosity and help was extremely appreciated. As my Doctor continues to tell me, the twin pregnancy did a number on my body and as you can see below, the twins are imitating how I walk. Silly kids! Caroline walked in the room the other night with her belly sticking way out and said, "Look Mommy. Joe Joe and I are having babies!" Yes, we are, but only ONE this time :-)