Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are alive...

I have been trying since Friday to get a post up, but every time I do, either the blog says I can't or there is an issue or a baby starts crying!

There is so much to update everyone on I don't even know where to begin!!!!!

Vacation: Great but EXHAUSTING!!! The twins barely slept at my mom and dad's so...I don't need to go into that. We had so much fun doing things with my niece and family I'll post more pictures when I get a chance.

Jonathan: Turned 2 years old last Friday, August 22nd. We had a weekend of fun! Had an impromptu neighborhood cupcake picnic Friday afternoon that I will show pictures of soon.

Joseph: Pulling up to stand and taking a few steps at almost 9 months...CRAZY! WILD CHILD!!!

Caroline: Same as every (happy and smiles alot) but getting more opinionated and kicking her legs and feet something fierce when not happy!

Me: Trying to stay afloat with work and life.... there are 3 huge loads of the kids laundry that need to be put away if anyone feels like volunteering and helping me put away as I seem to NEVER have the time to do. :-)))

Thomas:.... I'll let him fill in there.

Saturday we are taking Jonathan to his first KState football game...that will be another post, but we can't wait! My friend and college, Carrie and her girls, are coming over to watch the twins!!! THANK YOU A MILLION CARRIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. I slept 6 straight hours last night! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

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