Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh those Twins...

I decided that our house should be called the "PWF"...the Patnode Wrestling Federation. I tried to catch the action the other morning, but it was taking place on the hardwood floors, soI decided I needed to catch falling babies instead of take pictures. The twins have decided they really like eachother and want to "kiss" (or eat) eachothers faces. SO, particularly in the morning when they first see eachother, they grab at eachother open mouthed, "kiss," giggle, cry, then is some of the action:

Poor Caroline...but I think she started it!


I am not going to name names (Kati Bernard) but some of you have children that don't even make a peep when their teeth are coming in...we are not so blessed!!!! Both, Caroline and Joseph have two bottom teeth. More are coming in, I am assuming, since they are mouthing everything and pretty miserable at times. I decided to give them those MESSY gerber biter biscuits. They kept them QUIET for about 20 minutes.... but for anyone that has given them to their kids, it is a MISERABLE are the results:

Caroline gnawing away:-)

Joseph's they way it is sticky and cakes on...I think there is still some left in his ears and permanently on the high chair!

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