Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gingerbread Grammy

For those of you that don't know, my mother taught elementary school for YEARS. So, when she planned to come out, she wanted to volunteer and do a "lesson" with the kids in their classes at Kid's Day Out. She planned her lesson around the story "The Gingerbread Boy." She had a friend make her the most adorable apron with a gingerbread pattern. As a bonus, she had extra material that she had her friend make the kids matching aprons too. You can see below my mother and kids making gingerbread in their aprons. The kids were SO excited and HAPPY to have their Grammy visit their school!
Reading the story in Jonathan's class.
Helping Jonathan make his Gingerbread Boy for an art project in his class.
Reading the story to the twins class. They are sitting to the right side of the "circle." (Joe is leaning back and Caroline is next to him.)
Making Gingerbread with Grammy in their aprons.

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