Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Frogs, mud and pigtails!

Oh little boys! As I was about to get dinner ready this evening, I heard quite a commotion out back. Daddy was mowing and the boys were doing something. I ran down the deck stairs and really couldn't hear with the mower going, but Jonathan emerged from under the deck with his hands a mess and something in it. I, embarrassed to admit, ran screaming away from him because I thought it was a dead mouse (I have no clue why). Over the mower, Thomas yelled that it was a frog. With further examination, I realized poor froggie was about to be squished to death. We put him in a bucket and brought him to a creek near our house to "go home and eat his dinner." (only after showing all the other kids in the hood).

Here is froggie swimming away after being LAUNCHED into the creek! Poor thing, I hope he lives!Froggie safely in the bucket!


occur on a daily basis ...NUMEROUS times a day in our house!

Mom: WHAT were you doing Jonathan?

Jonathan: I was squishing the mud to get worms.

Very logical..duh, mom!


I have nothing else to say except I LOVE having a girly girl!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I love my kids...

BUT man are they BUSY!!!!!!