Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness

I seem to keep saying we have been extremely busy, but I guess that is just life. I haven't even been able to take many pictures since I'm usually running in 3 different directions now. We are LOVING the warm weather and we are very thankful our backyard is fenced in since the twins really don't know not to run into the street. The kids in our neighborhood tend to ride their bikes and play in the cul-de-sac, but my nerves can't take all three kids roaming out there. SO here are a few snapshots of the kids in the back yard.

Pinwheels are great outside but can turn into weapons inside:-) Note to self...don't buy them again:-)

Seconds before the crying, Joe was laughing and extremely happy after digging...and obviously eating, the dirt!

Say your prayers! Next Monday, March 23rd, the entire Patnode clan will be boarding a plane at 5:30am, and taking off to Boston at 6:05am. My mother is flying in town in two days and will be assisting us on the flight East. As some of you know, my father is now in a nursing home and developing Dementia due to his Parkinson's Disease. I feel that a trip home now is important and we can't wait to see Grampie!!!! We are so excited to see our cousin Erin and celebrate her 2nd Birthday...and see Aunt Kate, Uncle Phil, Uncle Pete, Sarah, and hopefully Great-Grammie and other relatives as well as some of my friends....we'll have lots of pictures...until then!!!

1 comment:

K said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad Julia. We will keep him in our prayers. Your kids are getting big. I don't know how you do it, with 3 young kids. I am sure you guys are enjoying the outdoors like we are here.