Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan!!!!

Two years ago...

I started this post on Friday, Jonathan's actual birthday, but our internet has been acting funny and hasn't let us stay on long so now I can finally post!

TWO years ago Friday our little (or big to us) man was born at 9:45pm weighing 7lb 13oz. We didn't really want to have a big party since, (1) we just got back in town and life is still crazy and (2) he really doesn't understand birthdays yet, so we kinda had a weekend of partying but in a laid back kind of way. Here are some pictures:

Posing with Mommy's beautiful (ha) sign.

Neighborhood birthday picnic!

Blowing out 2 candles with Daddy's help.

Ok, here's the thing. Look at the frosting above in the picture of Jonathan and his father.....

I have nothing else to say except, "Hen have GOT to be kidding me!"


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

I laughed out loud at the frosting picture. He looks cute. Did it really stain his face like that?

K said...

Oh my, that is some Blue frosting. Wow, maybe you should send a picture to the Henhouse bakery.