Both my blogger and wordpress accounts are having issues uploading from my phone and tablet. VERY frustrating since ALL my pictures are on my phone. SO, I am hoping our home PC, which has been on the fritz as well, will allow me to download my pictures. I just tried and wasn't successful, but we'll see if the hubby can figure it out. I'm not that good at figuring computer stuff out.
We have been super busy. Hannah is growing so fast in front of our eyes it is unbelievable! She is the earliest crawler we have had. Pulling up and almost cruising at 7 months...SCARY! She already has 2 teeth! Like I said, these milestones are happening way before the other three... that I can remember. I seriously don't recall most of their milestones because it was such a busy, exhausting blur. Thank goodness for this blog because I can refer back to what was going on back then. The 'big kids' continue to be so good to her. They love "helping" and playing with her. We are looking forward to a mellow Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
Best to all of you.
Hopefully pictures soon!