Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Fall....

HAS FLOWN BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My head spins at the thought of trying to remember all that we have done the past few months, let alone the past few hours, so here are a few rare shots that we took a few weeks ago at the Louisburg Cider Mill.
It took about 8 pictures to achieve the one above.

How I like my kids...sitting, eating, and quiet. HA! YUM those donuts are THE BEST!!!

Joseph, Jonathan, and Caroline!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Last Few Months in Photos

Life has been more than busy to put in words, so here is a pictorial update of what we have been up to. By no means is this even close to a fraction of what we have been doing, but a few highlights!! I hope to keep up at blogging in the near future!

The neighborhood crew that Jonathan has named his "friends." The older girls are a great help and are going to fabulous babysitters some day!

In June, my sister, Kate, and niece, Erin, came to visit. That is my niece on the far right and our kiddos...getting big!!My brother, Pete, and his girlfriend, Sarah, came to visit late July. We had an AMAZING time with them. Below is...brace yourselves...ADULTS only brunch at Lidia's. YUMMY!!!

Uncle Pete and Sarah reading bedtime stories...the kids had so much fun with them!!!
Bernards' Lake weekend...the kids had a blast on the boat...although, Joe feel asleep on the boat ride.

And, or course, we discovered our children have absolutely NO FEAR of the water and love JUMPING in...three kids that really don't understand the concept of "wait your turn" made two adults sweat in the water!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Camera

SO, I was pleasantly surprised by my wonderful husband and children with a new camera for mother's day! What a GREAT weekend we had.

Here are a few snap shots that I took with the camera while trying to figure it out over the past couple of days:-)

This is what happens when a 21/2 year old does not take a nap...he crashes in his chair before story time.

Future RED SOX player!!!

Sweet Caroline!

Serious Joe picture...working hard on his coloring.

Kids coloring on the deck at their new picnic table... a SUPER garage sale find thanks to our fabulous neighbors!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time Flies!!!

It seems like yesterday I was writing that we were getting ready to head East (at the end of March) to visit with my family! SO MUCH has occurred in that time, I can't even begin to fill you in. Here are a few pics from that visit.

Daddy and Jonathan

Grandpie and the kids

Cousin Erin and Caroline
Joseph riding the Caterpillar at cousin Erin's house.

The cousins at a local playground with the BEST sandbox EVER!!!!

Jonathan reading cousin Erin's books.

This is a pictures of me and our kids, my sister and her daughter, Erin, my cousin Ronnie (standing) with his daughter Brooke next to him, my brother Pete "holding" Jonathan, and my grandmother (my Dad's mother), who passed away the week after our visit! I can't tell you how HAPPY and GRATEFUL I was to see her and have her see her great-grandchildren.

In general, the kids have been growing like weeds! Jonathan talks non-stop and asks, "What is this?" about everything and anything! Caroline is starting to show her "girly" side and play with her babies. Even if she is not playing with them and one of the boys starts, she starts screaming, "BABY BABY" showing her ownership over her dolls. I LOVE IT!!! She also is a mother-hen to Joseph...she will bring him his paci or blanket, even if he does not want it. Joseph is just our wild child! He is starting to get really into trucks and balls, just like his big brother. The boys are starting to "play" (mostly next to) with eachother digging for worms or putting rocks/sticks into dump trucks. Jonathan is now asking for Joe to come play with him and I am praying soon they will really entertain eachother for longer periods of time without battle wounds!

Jonathan had his adenoids out and tubes in a few weeks ago. The procedure went well! The twins go to the ENT this Friday to see if they need tubes. I will put my money on it they will as I just took Joseph to the Dr. this morning and he now has his 4th ear infection in 4 months.

We hope all is well in your world and hope to keep up with the blog but our camera crapped out on us, so well see what we can do!

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness

I seem to keep saying we have been extremely busy, but I guess that is just life. I haven't even been able to take many pictures since I'm usually running in 3 different directions now. We are LOVING the warm weather and we are very thankful our backyard is fenced in since the twins really don't know not to run into the street. The kids in our neighborhood tend to ride their bikes and play in the cul-de-sac, but my nerves can't take all three kids roaming out there. SO here are a few snapshots of the kids in the back yard.

Pinwheels are great outside but can turn into weapons inside:-) Note to self...don't buy them again:-)

Seconds before the crying, Joe was laughing and extremely happy after digging...and obviously eating, the dirt!

Say your prayers! Next Monday, March 23rd, the entire Patnode clan will be boarding a plane at 5:30am, and taking off to Boston at 6:05am. My mother is flying in town in two days and will be assisting us on the flight East. As some of you know, my father is now in a nursing home and developing Dementia due to his Parkinson's Disease. I feel that a trip home now is important and we can't wait to see Grampie!!!! We are so excited to see our cousin Erin and celebrate her 2nd Birthday...and see Aunt Kate, Uncle Phil, Uncle Pete, Sarah, and hopefully Great-Grammie and other relatives as well as some of my friends....we'll have lots of pictures...until then!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

We're baaaaackkkkkk.....

We are on the mend here people! The ear infections are hopefully resolving and we are getting back to "normal." I will definitely be taking the kids in next week to make sure all ear infections are gone since we will be heading east at the end of March to visit my family. Here are a few pictures of the past week or so.

Dirty Girl!!!
I seriously have no clue what Caroline was eating here, but she obviously loved it. Look she is sporting a new doo! She had her first hair cut and did FABULOUS!!! She didn't move an inch!

Jonathan LOVED it.
Joseph LIKED it.
Caroline HATED it. (not really...she just didn't leave the garage...she stood there, with her mama, and watched the boys).


Enjoy! This is priceless:-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An Apple a Day????

If you see a Patnode, RUN!!! RUN as fast as you can....we have been so sick I am about to fumigate the house. I have been to urgent care 3 times in one week. Last week both Joseph and Caroline had pink eye and Caroline had an ear infection. Thursday I took Jonathan in and he had an ear infection also that has lingered sinc Feb. 6th and I still think he has it. I spent the weekend hurling with the stomach bug...the WORST I have ever felt in my life. AND, last night I took Joseph back to only find out he has a double ear infection. Stay away...far, far, away!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rare Moments

Ok, so I thought I'd capture a really rare Mommy and Joe moment...I think the other two were sleeping. He and I were playing a game at lunch and he kept giggling/cackling and I thought it was cute so I recorded the moment.

The second video is a step into a day in my life when all three kids are loosing it. It starts off in the hall which is essestially black but all you have to do is listen...and really appreciate the quiet/calmness of your own home:-)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Conversation with a 21/2 year old

The twins were asleep and Jonathan and I were just hanging out. Here's how the conversation went (yes, I was leading the conversation just to see what he knew):

Mommy: Who is your mommy?

Jon: Daddy.

Mommy: Who am I?

Jon: Mommy

Mommy: Oh, I'm Mommy. What's my name?

Jon: Mommy

Mommy: What's your name?

Jon: Two.

Mommy: No, what's your NAME?

Jon: BIG BOY!!!! (with a deepend voice)

Mommy: How old are you?

Jon: 2

Mommy: How old am I?

Jon: 2-2-2-2

Mommy: Laughing....

Priceless conversation:-)))

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caroline Walking

SO, we now have 3 kids walking! You are thinking, "Oh that will be so helpful with all of them walking." My response is "Yes. AND, No." I had a glimpse of what it COULD be like last week. I took the kids outside on that really nice day. At one point, I had all 3 kids going in different directions. I wish there was a video of my scrambling in every direction. Oh well...should help with loosing more weight, right??? HA!
Anyway, we are THRILLED at Caroline's progress. She has been slightly slower in all her motor development, but by no means really delayed. It is hard not to compare when we have boys that are moving and grooving early. I recorded her walking today after we got home from daycare...Joe is in and out of the shot...he was very tired. Enjoy!!!

There is something wrong with my camera...the top portion of the screen/video is slightly discolored.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mr. Fix It

Some of you may not know, but Thomas is a pretty handy guy! It makes me more than nervous and anxious that he has taken our washing machine apart (see below) and is fixing it by himself. I grew up with a father who could not fix a thing....he could make the most AMAZING Gourmet meal, but no hammers or nails for my dad. SO, you 'd think after almost 10 years with Thomas I'd be at ease with him say, "I'll do it myself." Truthfully, I get sick to my stomach, but when he proves me wrong (which he does a lot), I am so stinking Proud of him!!!!

This is what the machine looks like as I type. THANK GOD I got all the kids and my wash done last weekend...yes, I "broke" it by putting our quilt in it, but look was already on it's way to broken-ville! That is a part (not sure what) that Thomas said was busted off and on the floor.
I will let you know how long it takes to put it back together and if it is "officially" be continued.....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am not sure where or what we have been doing but we have been extremely busy here in the Patnode House. I haven't even been taking pictures. SO, here are a few from today and a little update on the kids:

Book time before Bath time (my favorite part of the day)!

Caroline In her favorite place...the wagon. She use to want to be pushed all the time, now all she wants to do is walk and push it.
Sweet, Sweet Caroline

Caroline is a love bug. She is very attached to her mommy but absolutely is in love with her father. Just the mention of Daddy sets her off in a tangent of , "Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada" until she finds him. Her world is complete when her brothers are with her, especially Joe. HOWEVER, she is a girl and is definately showing us that she is going to be a little on the emotional side. She is almost walking without any assistance...she is very cautious and is definatley not a risk taker in the motor department. She says, "Mama," "Dada," "Da (For dog)," "ma" for more, and signs please, help, out and more.

Joe versus a fruit/cereal bar...this is what I clean up basically after each meal from him.

Sneaky, fast kid. I tried to get more shots of him crawling in and around the end table but he is so darn FAST!

Joe has been walking non-stop since he started. He likes to take laps around our main floor with toys in his had. He has started have some "lovely" tantrums and goes from 0-60 instantaneously. He loves books and dogs. He can say, "dog," "more," signs please, "dada" and has said "help" once.

JonathanHis pose when you say, "Say Cheese!"

He is just the funniest kids. He is talking in 5-7 word sentences (which the speech therapist in me is LOVING); is really into his independent play which gets interupted by his siblings to often; loves to color and play with playdough and has just started 'reading' books to himself and his brother and sister...very entertaining!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Joseph Walking

I finally did it! I got a video and downloaded it! This is of Joseph walking, "talking" and drinking his bottle. He's been walking for a couple weeks but I haven't had a chance to "catch" him.

We all have been sick again and hoping that we will get over this winter illness SOON... and hope that all of you stay well too!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Park in December?

Who would have thought we could go to the park at the end of December???

My mother made the hats for Caroline and Joseph! THanks Grammie!

Jonathan playing with some sort of acorn thing...

Just a side note. About 30 seconds after these pictures were taken, Joseph decided to crawl up the jungle gym and keep going HEAD FIRST down the slide laughing his belly off. That made his sister AND brother join in. At one point I had all three heading down the slides head first and me scrambling to catch them all...such a fun sight to have seen. There were three teenage boys playing basketball and I noticed at one pointed they had stopped and were staring at me...