Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lots going on!

There have been a lot of great photo opts and experiences I have caught lately and since I have such limited computer time, I am going to pack them all into a large post with little details...ENJOY!


Caroline and Grandpa bonded quite a bit. She LOVED playing with his gold girl! Jonathan was so happy to see his Grandpa and his big truck! We missed seeing Grandma Sandra who was busy, busy working!!!


Finally, I was able to capture Joe at his best! MOVING AROUND!!!!I heard banging, laughing, and yelling from the stairs the other day.... these are the images I saw from around the corner. Joseph scrambling up the stairs to get to his brother.

Joseph is SO close to walking! He scurries around with this walker and has started to take a few steps. I don't think he'll start real soon because he just wants to move so fast and he needs to practice his balance a little more, but by the new year???


Sometimes I think I get more excited FOR JOnathan to see the things he is intersted in than he does, but not today. As we were making our way down 119th Street to the campus, out of no where this chopper decended on us...I almost went off the rode pointing it out and opening the window for Jonathan to see! I just LOVE seeing him walk and see cool things with his father! I, by the way, was pushing the triple stroller with the twins back and forth across the field!

Jonathan was in awe!

Checking out the BIG FIRE TRUCK!

Watching the Bomb Squad robot!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week in Review

Ok, so I haven't had much time to get on the computer lately. It seems as if the minute I walk into the "office" (our old dining room), the kids have sensors and drop what they are doing/playing with and follow me. Jonathan ususally asks to watch on of his DVDs, then Caroline and Joseph crawl underneath the desk, pull up, bang their heads or pull on my legs crying. Needless to say, I just avoid the situation and don't really spend much time on the computer except to check emails.
So, we have been pretty status quo here. Playing out side when the weather has been warm...

...and finding new ways to stay quiet (when others are sleeping) and entertained now that it is starting to get cold. Spinning on the office chair is lots of fun and lollipops and pacifiers (mute buttons as our new sitter calls them) keeps kids queit when their brother is asleep....notice Joseph is missing from both sets of pics...he's sleeping...thank god for my one good napper!